31 March 2013

Kuih-Muih Dari Khalis Santan Sawit

Antara kuih-muih yang dihasilkan dengan menggunakan Khalis Santan Sawit Segar.

26 March 2013

Ketam Masak Lemak Pedas Khalis Santan Sawit

4 ekor ketam
3 ulas bawang merah*
1 ulas bawang putih*
3 biji cili merah*
2 biji cili padi (kalau nak pedas tambah lagi)*
1 inci kunyit hidup*
1 batang serai*
sehiris lengkuas*
2 kpg asam keping
sehelai daun kunyit – dihiris nipis
125 ml Khalis santan Sawit segar
1 cawan air
secubit garam dan perisa

kisarkan bahan-bahan yang bertanda *. Masukkan minyak dan tumis dalam periuk sehingga naik bau. Masukan air dan santan sawit segar. Jangan lupa kacau perlahan-lahan. Bila dah mendidih masukkan ketam. Jika kuah agak pekat, tambahkan air sedikit demi sedikit. 5 minit kemudian masukkan asam keping. Tunggu hingga naik bau & mendidih..perasakan dgn garam/ perisa. Akhir sekali taburkan dengan hirisan daun kunyit. kacau seketika hingga masak..

13 March 2013

Kuih Kochi Khalis Santan Sawit

Kuih kochi (also known as passover cake in English) is a Malaysian dumpling made from ground unpolished glutinous rice. For theEurasians in Malaysia and Singapore, this snack is often sold at funerals. The black colour of the unpolished rice symbolises death, while the sweet filling represents resurrection. [Wikipedia]

11 March 2013


  • Very low fats and cholesterol free
  • Taste good; almost similar to coconut milk
  • Rich in nutritive value;enriched with natural Vitamin A & E
  • Cost saving; only 50% of normal usage
  • More resistant to deterioration
  • Easy to store and very stable (just keep refrigerated, NO NEED TO KEEP IT FROZEN)
  • 3 month shelf life; storage below 5C

Nutritional Information
  • Amount Per Serving (100%)
  • Energy = 286 kcal (1197 kJ)
  • Protein = 1.3 g
  • Total Fat = 28.0 g
  • Carbohydrate = 7.2 g
  • Moisture = 63.2 g
  • Cholesterol = 0g
  • Ash = 0.3 g
  • Vitamin A = < 100 µg
  • Vitamin C = < 2 mg
  • Vitamin E = 3.1 mg
Santan(coconut milk) is rich in fat and its consumption has been associated with increased plasma low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels (LDL) and greater risk of arterial thrombosis due to its high contents of short chain saturated fatty acids such as lauric (C12:0) and myristic (C14:0). Therefore, the consumption of santan is discouraged. Palm-based santan has therefore been formulated to obviate the health risk.It has considerably lower C12-C16

Saturated fatty acids, and its consumption, instead of normal santan, has been found to lower serum total cholesterol and cardiovascular risk (Ng and Tee, 1998). The additional benefits are that it is more resistant to deterioration (e.g.from oxygen, light moisture), has better flavour and nutritive value, and is more stable to handling during storage and transport (Zaida et al, 1997).

The product is also trans -free. Coconut santan cannot keep more than 5 hr at room temperature (28°C-33°C) without noticeable deterioration – becoming rancid,discoloured and suffering phase separation.


Proximate analyses of the palm-based and coconut santans were done using standard analyses Table1). Coconut santan has higher fat and protein than the palm-based santan. Nevertheless, the palm santan is rich as a source of energy as coconut santan, equally able to supply the bodily energy requirements. The physicochemical properties of the two santans are shown in Table 2. Table 3 shows that coconut santan has higher lauric (C12:0) and myristic (C14:0) acids.


Both santans were investigated for their stability during storage at different temperatures. At 5oC and 28oC, the palm santan was stable for 28 days without preservative. Coconut santan, on the other hand, turned rancid and deteriorated, being more susceptible to oxidation, and enzymatic and microbial attacks due to its preponderance of short chain fatty acids. It could not be kept for more than 5hr without spoilage even in a refrigerator at 2°C-5°C.

07 March 2013

Fakta Tentang Vitamin E Yang Anda Perlu Tahu!!

  • Vitamin E ialah salah satu antioksidan yang penting dalam pencegahan kanser dan penyakit kardiovaskular. ~ Ia memperbaiki peredaran darah, yang mana perlu untuk memperbaiki tisu, dan sangat berguna dalam rawatan "premenstrual syndrome" dan penyakit fibrocystic buah dada.
  • Ia memelihara pembekuan darah yang normal dan penyembuhan,
  • Mengurangkan parut yang diakibatkan oleh sesetengah kecederaan,
  • Mengurangkan tekanan darah,
  • Membantu dalam pencegahan penyakit katarak,
  • Meningkatkan prestasi atlit,
  • Mengendurkan otot kaki dari kekejangan.
  • Vitamin E boleh meningkatkan pengeluaran air mani pada sesetengah lelaki.
  • Ia juga mengekalkan kesihatan saraf dan otot dan di masa yang sama menguatkan dinding kapilari.
  • Vitamin E menggalakkan kulit dan rambut menjadi sihat, dan
  • Membantu mencegah anemia dan "retrolental fibroplasia", sejenis gejala mata yang boleh menjangkiti bayi pramatang.

Satu kajian yang dijalankan oleh National Cancer Institute pada tahun 1998 mendapati bahawa pengambilan vitamin E dalam jangka masa panjang dapat mengurangkan risiko kanser prostat di kalangan penghisap rokok. Lain-lain kajian megesyorkan bahawa vitamin ini dapat memperlahankan perkembangan penyakit Alzheimer. Sepanjang ini diketahui bahawa vitamin E telah menunjukkan kesan pencegahan kepada lebih kurang 80 jenis penyakit.

05 March 2013

Kelapa Sawit Bantu Masalah OTAK


Santan Sawit Segar KHALIS kini boleh didapati di TERUS MAJU BATU 6, TERUS MAJU BUKIT SETONGKOL dan TERUS MAJU BUKIT GOH. Untuk kawasan sekitar Kempadang, Sg. Soi, Tmn Berjaya Permai, Bandar Baru Kuantan Putri, Tmn Kempadang Perdana, Kawasan Pantai Sepat dan sekitarnya Santan Sawat Segar ini boleh diperolehi di PASAR BASAH JIMAT TAMAN BERJAYA PERMAI.